Mediating between users



The nature of conflicts

The implementation conflict

One of the most common conflicts in software development (in particular in science) is an argument about a particular software implementation. In particular if the implementation is made by someone else than you, there are multiple questions that should be carefully considered:

Exercise: Consider a typical example conflict in a scientific software project: A new Developer A suggests to implement a relatively simple Algorithm 1 that would address a given problem he encountered while working on the project. Senior Developer B is convinced that a complicated Algorithm 2 would be better suited and she suggests to A to implement this better algorithm. Developer A does not have the skills or time to implement Algorithm 2. How should the project continue? List at least 2 potentially good solutions and 2 potentially bad solutions. Click on the headings below to see some common answers.

Potentially good solutions
Potentially bad solutions

A note about community:

The above exampe was formulated as a direct conflict between Developer A and B for simplicity. In practice there can be many more participants. Adding more participants can be a help, or a problem, depending on the commitment and abilities of the participants. Nothing is worse than having a half-commited maintainer who only read through part of the discussion throw in a: “But I think Algorithm 1 is bad.” into a nuanced discussion without fully understanding the consequences or the weight of the arguments brought up so far.

A note about seniority:

Implementation conflicts are prone to be solved by following the opinion of the most experienced developer. This can be both a correct step (because senior developers often have a broader perspective on the issue) and a problem (younger developers are often closer to the problem at hand and are more flexible).

The policy conflict

The personality conflict


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